
[Singapore AI CTF by GovTech]: Extractor

I participated in the Singapore AI CTF organized by GovTech from Saturday, 26th October 2024, 8am (UTC+08 Singapore Time) to Monday, 28th October 2024, 8am (UTC+08 Singapore Time). This was my first-ever CTF. I wasn’t too focus on ranking or solving the challenges as quickly as possible.; my intention was to force myself to learn new concepts I wasn’t familiar with along the way. Although the event lasted 48 hours, I could only particiapte for about 5-6 hours on Saturday, as I am working full-time (wanted to spend some time resting) and other commitments....

October 31, 2024 · 4 min · 690 words · Papattarada A. (Pun Pun)

Important math concepts

The last time I studied math seriously was in a Linear Algebra module in university 4 years ago. Recently taking a course on NLP and Deep Learning, hence, I’m documenting the math concepts I found useful. Jacobian Matrix The Jacobian matrix is essentially a way to capture how a function scales, rotates, or distorts space locally around a point $x$ when it maps from one set of variables to another. Essentially, it is just a matrix where each entry is a partial derivative of an output with respect to an input....

October 31, 2024 · 3 min · 469 words · Papattarada A. (Pun Pun)

Automating dotfiles configuration syncing with symbolic link

An attempt to use symlink to solve file syncing problem I’m a Neovim user. I maintain my Neovim configuration under ~/.config/nvim, as this is the default location where Neovim looks for its configuration files. However, I also store these configuration files (potentially with other configuration files like ~.zshrc) in a Git repository under ~/dotfiles/ (i.e. ~/dotfiles/nvim for Neovim config) for version control and syncing with GitHub. The challenge is that I’ve been manually copying changes between those two directories, which quickly becomes tedious....

September 21, 2024 · 2 min · 290 words · Papattarada A. (Pun Pun)

Interesting Linux stuff

Documenting interesting stuff I learn about Linux/Unix Configure alias Alias can be configured through alias <AN_ALIAS>=<THE_ACTUAL_COMMAND> Example: alias k=kubectl note that this only configures alias for the current shell session. To permanently configure an alias do: echo "alias k='kubectl'" >> ~/.zshrc Use alias to view all alias set Locate files/directories Files/directories could be located through: locate <FILE_NAME> Example: locate hello_world.txt note that locate depends on the database /var/db/locate.database which has to be initialized through: sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com....

September 1, 2024 · 1 min · 207 words · Papattarada A. (Pun Pun)

Understanding Spring Dependency Injection with @Autowired: Field, Constructor, and Setter Injection

Spring Framework is renowned for its robust Dependency Injection (DI) capabilities, which simplifies the management of dependencies and its lifecycle of beans in a Java application. This article delves into how to use @Autowired for field, constructor, and setter injection methods in Spring, and how these methods compare to traditional Java dependency management. What is Dependency Injection? Dependency injection is a design pattern that allows an object to receive its dependencies from an external source rather than creating them internally....

July 30, 2024 · 5 min · 939 words · Papattarada A. (Pun Pun)